Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Pinheads Say They Want To Gently Burst The Bubble!

Where does a pinhead (Bernanke) go to look for a pin to burst the bubble (created by the Federal Reserve)?

(Mis)Information put out by the Fed and its chief pinhead(s) portrays the counterfeit operation of the unConstitutional coup (the Fed) as diligently working to manage the economy. Anyone with a proper education knows that the economy can only be interfered with by these ego-driven interventionists and that their interference drives the economy further towards socialism and towards totalitarianism politically.

Get rid of the Federal Reserve and bubbles will not form in the first place! That is a much better option than allowing the pinheads to create bubbles that stimulate corruption and fascism in the short-run and totalitarianism in the long-run.

For more information go to my website.

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