Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mathematical Economics Will Make You Sick!

What's for dinner?

Plastic food made to resemble real food. The chemical formula for the plastic food is complex and it requires a rigorous process to get it right. The molding and coloring necessary to make it resemble food requires more rigor. "But it is all worthwhile" says the technocrat!

The end result is something that cannot appease the hunger of humans. It never dawns on the technocrat that as humans are annihilated by this fake reality even the technocrats will perish!

Mathematical economics by technocrats has the same life-extinguishing nature as fake food since humans are subjective, which cannot be permitted in the fictitious world of empirical economics.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Deflation Is Not The Big Bad Boogeyman!

Like with most economic issues there is very little true understanding. It may seem odd but almost all trained economists just regurgitate what they were taught. They do not delve into theory to try to find coherence. One reason is because they have been taught the empirical methodology so almost instantly they would be submerged in mathematical gibberish that has no coherence.

And so what remains is a covey of academic, economic imbeciles who regurgitate Keynesian doctrine. 'Prices are sticky downwards' is some supreme law in Keynesianism and anything that would disrupt that 'great law' would cause great havoc!

To ask questions about why deflation is a bad thing causes these economic charlatans to leap into a fog of pseudo-political discussion to cover their economic ignorance and as a diversionary tactic.

Deflation is as natural as your exhale.

Don't hold your breath waiting on economic wisdom from the empirically trained ego-driven interpreters or the ego-driven interventionists!

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Economics Upside Down, Inside Out, And Out To Get You!

One of the features not included is the newly energized consumer of the pie (and his buddies who also ate some of the pie). This newly energized consumer is not benign, it is malignant. It not only seeks more pie to consume but it also destroys the makers of the pie and the growers of the berries and the owners of the land where the berries grow!

And like cancer it kills its host and leaves total devastation.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.