Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Economic Numbskulls At Time Magazine!

Neil Cavuto says at the end of his interview of Ron Paul: "Maybe next year you'll be on the cover!"

Better yet, maybe by this time next year every one will have seen the following video:

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

These Are Good Unemployment Numbers!

Christina Romer, who chairs the Council of Economic Advisers, has a vested interest in painting a rosy picture. Here is the desperation in her voice as she commands the empiricists to 'earn their keep": "Look around and twist and turn the numbers. There's got to be something we can use to keep the spirits of the American people up!"

The economic advisors are the ego-driven interventionists who whisper in the ears of the ego-driven interventionists (politicians) and who resort to ego-driven interpretation of the data to come up with the next line of propaganda to feed the victims of the economic terrorism of the unConstitutional coup.

Such is life in the Dark Ages of Economics.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

'Independence' Of The Federal Reserve Hogwash.

It must be 'independence' that makes Bernanke hesitant to comment on the last stimulus package and the latest stimulus package being tossed around!

Either Bernanke is too economically ignorant to know the devastation that these political ploys cause or he is far from being independent and instead he does the bidding of the unConstitutional coup without a peep.

Either way, for either reason, the Senate should reject Bernanke and should audit the Federal Reserve.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Pinheads Say They Want To Gently Burst The Bubble!

Where does a pinhead (Bernanke) go to look for a pin to burst the bubble (created by the Federal Reserve)?

(Mis)Information put out by the Fed and its chief pinhead(s) portrays the counterfeit operation of the unConstitutional coup (the Fed) as diligently working to manage the economy. Anyone with a proper education knows that the economy can only be interfered with by these ego-driven interventionists and that their interference drives the economy further towards socialism and towards totalitarianism politically.

Get rid of the Federal Reserve and bubbles will not form in the first place! That is a much better option than allowing the pinheads to create bubbles that stimulate corruption and fascism in the short-run and totalitarianism in the long-run.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

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