Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Economic Numbskulls At Time Magazine!

Neil Cavuto says at the end of his interview of Ron Paul: "Maybe next year you'll be on the cover!"

Better yet, maybe by this time next year every one will have seen the following video:

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

These Are Good Unemployment Numbers!

Christina Romer, who chairs the Council of Economic Advisers, has a vested interest in painting a rosy picture. Here is the desperation in her voice as she commands the empiricists to 'earn their keep": "Look around and twist and turn the numbers. There's got to be something we can use to keep the spirits of the American people up!"

The economic advisors are the ego-driven interventionists who whisper in the ears of the ego-driven interventionists (politicians) and who resort to ego-driven interpretation of the data to come up with the next line of propaganda to feed the victims of the economic terrorism of the unConstitutional coup.

Such is life in the Dark Ages of Economics.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

'Independence' Of The Federal Reserve Hogwash.

It must be 'independence' that makes Bernanke hesitant to comment on the last stimulus package and the latest stimulus package being tossed around!

Either Bernanke is too economically ignorant to know the devastation that these political ploys cause or he is far from being independent and instead he does the bidding of the unConstitutional coup without a peep.

Either way, for either reason, the Senate should reject Bernanke and should audit the Federal Reserve.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Pinheads Say They Want To Gently Burst The Bubble!

Where does a pinhead (Bernanke) go to look for a pin to burst the bubble (created by the Federal Reserve)?

(Mis)Information put out by the Fed and its chief pinhead(s) portrays the counterfeit operation of the unConstitutional coup (the Fed) as diligently working to manage the economy. Anyone with a proper education knows that the economy can only be interfered with by these ego-driven interventionists and that their interference drives the economy further towards socialism and towards totalitarianism politically.

Get rid of the Federal Reserve and bubbles will not form in the first place! That is a much better option than allowing the pinheads to create bubbles that stimulate corruption and fascism in the short-run and totalitarianism in the long-run.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Stagflation Is Verified By Government Statistics.

This is the 'stag' part of stagflation!

In this case the bogus government statistics actually detect something that makes the sequence of syllables {stagnation before inflation} prophetic.

Let's see how many of the empirical economist bozos will proudly look back at these points of data and exclaim: "See, we actually were right! It was some of the other empirical economist bozos that prematurely stopped shading the graph!"

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Friday, October 30, 2009

New Jobs Announced At White House Are White Lies!

Of course this is a half-truth. It is the broken window fallacy (read "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt) writ large.

Sure; if hoodlums break windows the glazier has plenty of work but what about all the destruction of wealth. Instead of buying a new windshield Joe the Plumber (!) would have bought the tool that would have prevented the accident that caused him to lose his sight in one eye, etc!

These 640,329 jobs represent the destruction of wealth caused by the economic terrorists who have usurped our Constitutional Republic and is operating as an unConstitutional coup.

Their statistics are bogus at best and just a bunch of propaganda.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Higher GDP Means Everything Is AOK - Duh!

How's your GDP?

Let's assume that you have a counterfeit operation at your disposal and you ask Helicopter Ben (the cutesy nickname you gave to the one who answers to your beckoning call) to crank it up.

Just call it 'TARP' or whatever you want.

Now suppose all of those TARP funds go to you; some goes in the right front pocket, some in the left front pocket, some goes in the right rear pocket, and some goes in your left rear pocket.

Wow! You now have a bigger GDP.

Based on that information it is safe to say that all economic nincompoops will be impressed and that the economic nincompoops in the media will demonstrate their stupidity by trumpeting the "great news."

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Lies of the Dumb, Dumber, And Dumbest (Yeah Like Krugman!)

What did the Keynesian say to the hapless generations?
We're all dead in the long-run!

What did the empirical economist proclaim from his (or her) pulpit?
We owe it to ourselves!

What do the ego-driven interventionists (politicians) say to those dumb enough to listen?
The government is here to serve!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Washington D.C. Is A Grotesque Broken Window Fallacy!

Washington, D.C. is like an enormous and grotesque "Broken Window Fallacy!"

In "Economics In One Lesson" Henry Hazlitt reintroduced the logic of Fredrick Bastiat and exposed the ridiculousness of bad economics. Bad economics is economics that looks only at part of the consequences, which is what the economic nincompoops in Washington, D.C. greedily live off of.

Politicians (you know, the ego-driven interventionists) can only see the jobs that are created in the construction of the bridge to nowhere! Then there are the numerous legislative acts needed to handle the complications associated with ending up in 'nowhere.' For example, what is the environmental impact? Use benefit/cost analysis - but be sure to hire an analytical firm run by a friend who only cares about the benefits. And on and on.

Not only is Washington, D.C. the center of corruption but it is also the point where the parasitic tick is attached. It is sucking the blood of its host (the productive elements of society) and at the same time it is a carrier of numerous infectious diseases.

The vaccination craze being pushed by the corporatist/fascist/socialist power elite should be re-oriented towards removing the parasite and curing the diseases it introduced. The best first step is to END THE FED.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Paul Krugman Is The Mother Of All Propagandists!

When propagandizing becomes the most lucrative profession then the most skilled liars will weave their tales.

I must apologize for incorrectly labeling Paul Krugman as the Nobel Prize winner for Wackonomics. It is clear that his real distinction is as the Nobel Prize winner of Falsification!

The difference has to do with the perceived intention. Before I thought his intention was economic stupidity and that he was just a charlatan.

But now I see his intention as more sinister. He is trying to become the mother of all propagandists. He is selling his soul to the unConstitutional coup for the crumbs of their ephemeral notoriety by deliberately lying about and distorting history and economic theory.

What a pathetic baffoon!

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mathematical Economics Will Make You Sick!

What's for dinner?

Plastic food made to resemble real food. The chemical formula for the plastic food is complex and it requires a rigorous process to get it right. The molding and coloring necessary to make it resemble food requires more rigor. "But it is all worthwhile" says the technocrat!

The end result is something that cannot appease the hunger of humans. It never dawns on the technocrat that as humans are annihilated by this fake reality even the technocrats will perish!

Mathematical economics by technocrats has the same life-extinguishing nature as fake food since humans are subjective, which cannot be permitted in the fictitious world of empirical economics.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Deflation Is Not The Big Bad Boogeyman!

Like with most economic issues there is very little true understanding. It may seem odd but almost all trained economists just regurgitate what they were taught. They do not delve into theory to try to find coherence. One reason is because they have been taught the empirical methodology so almost instantly they would be submerged in mathematical gibberish that has no coherence.

And so what remains is a covey of academic, economic imbeciles who regurgitate Keynesian doctrine. 'Prices are sticky downwards' is some supreme law in Keynesianism and anything that would disrupt that 'great law' would cause great havoc!

To ask questions about why deflation is a bad thing causes these economic charlatans to leap into a fog of pseudo-political discussion to cover their economic ignorance and as a diversionary tactic.

Deflation is as natural as your exhale.

Don't hold your breath waiting on economic wisdom from the empirically trained ego-driven interpreters or the ego-driven interventionists!

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Economics Upside Down, Inside Out, And Out To Get You!

One of the features not included is the newly energized consumer of the pie (and his buddies who also ate some of the pie). This newly energized consumer is not benign, it is malignant. It not only seeks more pie to consume but it also destroys the makers of the pie and the growers of the berries and the owners of the land where the berries grow!

And like cancer it kills its host and leaves total devastation.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Cash For Clunkers" And The 'Independence' Of The Federal Reserve!

This clunkers program is a Great Depression scheme designed by economic numbskulls. In the Great Depression crops were plowed under and livestock were killed to keep prices high! Pretty stupid right!

In this Greater Depression automobiles are taken from the market and the engines are destroyed in exchange for cash. Hopefully then this funny money is used to buy cars from government-owned car companies that sell inferior cars but have in place government-conceived incentive programs to buy these poor quality vehicles.

Bailout the incompetent car manufacturers and stipulate that in exchange for the bailout the socialist government will become the majority owner. Then use the government to manipulate the market by destroying the supply of cars and subsidizing the price of the cars produced by the government-run car companies. In the true spirit of Federal Reserve 'independence' have the Federal Reserve make 'credit' available and also in the spirit of 'independence' encourage the banks by having the Federal Reserve strongarm them to make car loans to those who are foolish enough to buy these cars made with renowned soviet quality by the incompetent government run car companies.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

180+ Economic Numbskulls Say: "The Federal Reserve Is A Good Counterfeiter!"

Other than the 180 or so economists who are Keynesians and other types of ego-driven interventionists and who are lapdogs of the unConstitutional coup, what about all the rest of us economists that say that counterfeiting is unethical, immoral, and a severe corruption of the economy.

Is the mainstream media only propagandizing the weak and fallacious views of these indentured 'economists' while the views of those who insist on trustworthiness are ignored?

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Capitalism Has Nothing To Do With Materialism!

Materialism really has nothing to do with capitalism unless the definition of capitalism is somehow corrupted by materialism!

What I mean is that materialism is a type of spiritual disease that cannot see beyond the object. Constrained by that mind set it is easy to understand how the intellect is squeezed into a narrow box which makes it difficult to appreciate the magnificence and complexity of capital and its structure.

Then comes the audacity of these narrow-minded materialists to pronounce upon what they perceive as 'capitalism.' They cannot comprehend what it is and because of their affliction they are the cause of distortions in the economy, yet they have the gall to associate capitalism with materialism.

This is an example of the ignorant having the ignorance and arrogance to speak about something that they are ignorant about!

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Krugman And Bernanke Are Strange Fellows.

The Nobel Laureate for Wackonomics is invited to speak and he write columns but his disgrace just continues to accumulate. He and Bernanke are similarly odd in the way they can lie and weave into their lies their perverted version of Keynesianism and then either listen to their own voices or read their own writings and get pleasure from it.

So narrow is their view that to them all the world is nothing compared to themselves. These two are very good examples of the psychological condition of ego-driven interventionism and ego-driven interpretation that has gone so far into that satanic world that extreme narcissism is all that remains. Theirs is a psychotic state, an extreme depravity, and near to the most vulgar of all conditions for a human being, that is: ego-consumed.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Why Is Empirical Economics A Joke?

Q: What did the empirical economist get when he added up Marx, Smith, Mill, Marshall, Fisher, Keynes and then threw in a pinch of Galbraith, Samuelson, Greenspan and then a little twist of Bernanke?

A: The derivative of the square root of a bunch of charlatans!

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Home Rental Undermines Paul Krugman's Fantasies!

Home ownership is one way the Keynesians can make prices sticky downwards! If people can move around easier it would be difficult to make wage rates sticky downward which is bad for the government protected labor unions and bad for Keynesians who only have one seemingly plausible excuse for their fiscal and monetary intervention.

Face it all you idiot Keynesians, prices are not sticky downwards unless you fabricate those conditions through ego-driven intervention.

Keep your hands off the economy, Keynesian charlatans, and then the only stickiness you will see is the slimy garbage that comes from the mouth of the Nobel Laureate of Wackonomics, your hero Paul Krugman!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Exponential Destruction Of Our Currency!

I wonder which historically challenged statistician chose 1917 as the starting point. Probably that date was chosen because war is always glorified in some manner by government-loving historians.

A more significant starting point would have been 1913 which coincides with the date that the seed of the unConstitutional coup that is alive today was planted. In 1913 the Federal Reserve System was erected with no constitutional basis.

Just as the statisticians haven't a clue about when to mark out the period, the obvious meaning of the exponential expansion of the money base passes them by.

OK, foolish empiricist, it means that the currency is being destroyed!

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Materialism Is Caused By Economic Interventionism.

The political corruption of the economy which is also called 'economic intervention' is the cause of materialism. I know that this is a bold claim but it is true.

Greed is nothing more than a perversion of the inherent nature of humans, who have the natural desire for unlimited wants. This desire is part of the inherent human strivings for omniscience and omnipotence which is naturally moderated in the real world by limited means.

The corruption of the economy by intervention removes the ethical basis of the economy and perverts human nature, making materialism a substitute for ethical behavior.

In other words materialism is the effect not the cause. Greed is the effect not the cause. The corruption of the economy by intervention is the cause!

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Dead End Jobs From Dead Wrong Keynesianism!

Humorist Dave Barry once wrote, "See, when the Government spends money, it creates jobs; whereas when the money is left in the hands of Taxpayers, God only knows what they do with it. Bake it into pies, probably. Anything to avoid creating jobs."

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Keynesian 'Animal Spirits' Is Unscientific, To Say The Least!

In contrast to the Keynesian concern about 'animal spirits' we subjectivists are focused on the human spirit and its purposeful action.

This explains why Keynesianism devolves into socialism and communism and the characteristics of bare subsistence common in the animal kingdom. Of course the ego-driven interventionists in charge live large off of the flock.

The empiricists have abandoned the human sciences for the sake of an erroneous methodology and it shows!

Keynes and his 'animal spirits' are a disgrace. There is nothing scientific about it. That is obvious to anyone with any knowledge of the words in our language and any knowledge of what science means! And it is obvious to those of us who are scientifically trained.

This is an ethics issue. Those who claim to be scientists but incorporate 'animal spirits' into their work are unethical. It is as simple as that!

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