Sunday, December 29, 2013

Statism Is A Joke And You Are Taking The Brunt Of It.

Q: What do you call a rich socialist? A: A fascist.
Q: What do you call a poor socialist? A: A statist without political connections.

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Squirrels Are More Intelligent Than Keynesian Economists!

Let us examine the difference between human savings and the savings of a squirrel. Apparently both anticipate the future! The squirrel’s action is very strongly driven by instinct; however if environmental conditions change significantly the squirrel will modify the size of its cache. Likewise, human savings will be modified as a consequence of conditions. Human intelligence, which can span time conceptually and which can unravel the numerous and various complexities of the world, enables humans to save purposefully. Simply stated, savings is a productive and vital aspect of life.

Under the current system of economic intervention, the proponents of intervention come to the bizarre conclusion that savings is harmful. For example, Keynesian economics — a variant of which underlies the predominant economic systems practiced worldwide — demonizes people’s choice to save. Their forced incentives to diminish savings is like force-feeding the squirrels this year only to find that their essential cache for the future is completely gone, ultimately leading to disaster.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Econometricians Pretend That Mathematics Has Solved For Infinity.

The divine part of the economy is its infinite nature - incomprehensible to the human mind - yet fully capable of grace and justice when freed from the ego-driven interventionists.

This does not square with the use of mathematics in mathematical economics. Mathematicians have never solved for infinity. Whatever the supposed answer is just simply add one and the futility of their plight is as evident as the Sun at midday!

Yet the mathematical economists try to hide behind their incomprehensible and nonsensical equations and formulae in an attempt to exalt themselves, giving the false impression that they have an authoritative interpretation. These claimants are ego-driven interpreters whose glory is to empower the ego-driven interventionists.

Because of the divine nature of the economy - its infinite character - there is no moral authority for interventionism. The mathematical economists cannot provide the necessary foundation for interventionism any more than mathematicians can solve for infinity.

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